How to get rid of bed bugs in your home

Bed bug infestation is a significant problem in many households. It is essential to get rid of these pests as soon as you notice signs of infestation. Signs include blood stains on the bed sheets and itchy spots on your body. You can quickly get rid of these pests by following specific treatment procedures. These…

I do not like spiders!

A statement we all hear on a regular basis! Now, this sentiment might just be a general feeling of unease. If it’s much more serious, as in a case of arachnophobia, then severe symptoms can include: an extreme fear of being bitten or even poisoned; falling victim to panic attacks; vomiting or fainting – and…

Mice stuck in your air duct/wall cavities? Here is how to remove them

Mice can be drawn to your home due to many reasons. When they infest your home, they find it safe to hide along the dark corridors such as air ducks and small wall cavities. They use these holes as a temporary stopover between their meals and travels. To remove them, you need to put food-baited…

Avoiding a pest infestation during the winter

Mother Nature can sometimes be a humorless old harpy. Aside from ruining our winter holidays with unexpected snowfalls, she also created roaches, bedbugs, and other insects. Just because the temperature’s dropping doesn’t mean you should also drop your guard. Pests have the same need for warmth as humans -if you’re cold, they’re cold, and they’ll…

Clear and seal – two steps for keeping pests out of your home

For the first step – clear – this includes hiding spots such as wood or leaf piles. It’s also wise to clear under any bird feeders where seeds and hulls can attract vermin. Also, it’s wise to clear away pet feeders, never leaving them out overnight. As for – seal – it pays to undertake…

Natural raccoon deterrents

Have you noticed increased wildlife activity, such as raccoons, opossums, and squirrels in your area? There are some natural raccoon deterrents that you should use around your home. Place ammonia-soaked rags under your house, and at the bottom of trees and garbage cans around your home. Raccoons hate the smell of ammonia. Spray or scatter…

How to protect your family from critters

Whether it is cockroaches, fire ants, raccoons, or mice, pest control is often worth prioritizing in your home. In as much as they might look cute, you should always teach your family, including children, to stay away from pests. Therefore, to keep the critters away from your family’s reach, always fence your garden. Fencing prevents…

How do I prevent bees from getting into my house?

You get into your room and find a single bee and wondering how to remove it? Well, worry no more. Dealing with a single bee is often very easy. Probably it may have been attracted to the scents of sweet fluids exposed in the house. Just cover the fluid and leave the windows open. However,…

Do you have to fumigate for termite infestations?

A question often asked because many people don’t like the idea of having their home fumigated. The only good news, if termites have arrived in your Wyoming property, is that this is not the course of action we take. Here in Wyoming, the termites we have to deal with are subterranean. They enter usually through…