How to prevent the spread of bed bugs

So you’ve admitted your home or business has a bed bug problem, but now that you have, how do you prevent them from spreading and infesting your whole home or business? Here are a few tips to bear in mind: Limit Movement If you suspect bed bugs are in your clothes or an item of…

Have a cockroach problem? Call the experts at Best Pest Control

If you have a problem with cockroaches, there are a few things you can try to get rid of them. First, you need to identify their hideouts and lay down roach traps to see where there is more traffic. Secondly, block any entry points with caulk and place a gel bait or bait station that…

Keeping Wasps Away From Your Home

Before wasps decide to move into your home, you can employ a strategy to keep them away. First, remove food from anywhere outside the home and be sure to cover your trash can. Also, since wasps hate the smell of mint, planting mint in the garden is a good deterrent. Alternately, dab a few cotton…

When to call a pest control company

If you’ve got a rodent problem, it’s crucial that you call an exterminator before the mice do damage to your property – or cause health issues. There are some key differences between just the occasional mouse or two and a larger infestation. Here’s what to watch out for: – Consistent mouse droppings around the house.…